Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Glad to see that 3 made it back to The Big Apple.

I've made a conscious decision since the first of the year to limit my work-day Internet news reading.  Ever since the beginnings of the last Presidential election campaign, I have been easily "hooked" into an item of political or social news and could waste a load of time reading different presentations on the same issue.  While such study made me well-informed, it didn't add anything to the over all state of my world.

It may come as a shock to the peanut gallery, but I tend to lean toward the right on most issues.  (Uh, perhaps far right on a few.  Just saying.) I refuse to watch network news and late-night shows, and I'll only grab the NYT in desperation (otherwise stated; "free at the coffee shop").  And as an equal-opportunity Independent, I don't watch FOX News either.

Looking down from the hilltop, two things come across on almost every topic up for civic debate: 1) If one side says, "The sky is blue", the other side immediately counters in the Blogsphere with, "Not when you look at it from this direction!",  (Actually, I wanted that example to be, "I say black, you say white", but I didn't know if that would be interpreted as playing the race card.) and 2) Each side is determined to win the "spin" game with their constituency and the Independents.  Truth is not particularly relevant.  It reminds me of the attorney's in a court case:  winning is the only thing that counts.

I'm bored and tired of the politics and the moralizing.  We've become a bunch of finger-pointers.  It's always somebody else's fault.  Go to work people.  Do your job.  Pay your bills.  You in The Chorus, need to do the same thing.

I feel better.

Now off to the Augie game.  SRH has The W for a couple of hours.

Hello 2?


1 comment:

Mary Margaret said...

Here, here...

I think you can get into an argument with ANYONE about ANYTHING related to politics, regardless of how similar your views.

Simply posessing an opinion regarding social policy leads to arguments with whomever finds out. And they always boil down to me being accused of being elitist and greedy, because i don't want to help people "who haven't had the same opportunities I have."

Give me a break. I don't have an issue paying my taxes to help distribute services to people who need them. But I am seriously over being expected to have a lot of empathy for the million homeless guys in NYC shaking their cups at me. GET A JOB! Get yourself in a PROGRAM! Get an EDUCATION!