Monday, January 03, 2011


So I'm getting prepared to take 2 to C-town tomorrow night so that she and her friends can catch their early morning flight on Wednesday.  One of my check-off points was the mini-digi camera that I am loaning to 2 for the trip.  I wanted to give her the extra battery as well as the plug-in charger so that she would be fully prepared to record her trip.  That's when things got interesting.

It took me a half-dozen trips through the house yesterday to even find the camera.  It had been sitting on the kitchen table all weekend, but when it came time to charge the battery, the camera was no where to be seen.  I still think that some gremlin was playing tricks on me because eventually it turned up on the kitchen table.  Of course it did.

Today when I wanted to charge the battery, the charger was AWOL.  I made a special trip back to the office, thinking that I may have left it on my desk last week when I did a precautionary charge in anticipation of the camera's use in the TC for Christmas.  No luck, but I got to thinking on the way back home from the office that I had put the charger in my duffel bag side-pocket for the TC trip.  Sure enough, when I got home and checked the bag, the charger was right there where I had put it.

So 2 has the camera, the fully charged battery, and the charger for the trip.  She doesn't have the back-up battery because I haven't figured out where I put it for safe-keeping.

I am in possession of so many safe-keeping spots, that no place is safe.  Let's review a list of just 10 "perfect" places to store stuff so that it doesn't get lost:

1.  Zippered pockets inside my laptop case.
2.  Zippered pockets inside my "murse".
3.  Zippered pockets inside my coats and jackets.
4.  False top on the Buick's center console.
5.  Velcro'd/zippered pockets in "big" camera case.
6.  Zippered interior pockets of suitcases.
7.  Small drawer in my coffee table.
8.  My desk drawer at the office.
9.  "Clicker" shelf in my entertainment console.
10. Obviously, my duffel bag.

I'm thinking that the consumer products designers have done their job so well, those of us with Sometimer"s are right back where we were years ago when we couldn't decide exactly where to put an item so that it wouldn't get lost.  Now the choices are so plentiful, that an item can absolutely get lost in one of the "safe" places.  We met the enemy, and he was us.

Don't even think about using this idea, Wilson!

Finally, with the Stanford win tonight, where does Harbaugh go?  Michigan?  His brother is a head coach in the NFL...SF?  Can't believe he'll stay in Palo Alto.

Hey 3, what's going on in The Big Apple?


1 comment:

camperkev said...
