Monday, January 24, 2011


Glad to have 2 back in the QCA.  Her plane was a little delayed, but she and her bags were in by 2200 local, which is a little past my regular bedtime.  But with no Winniferous potty-breaks to worry about over night, my sleep almost approached normalcy last night.  Not a bad result.

My enthusiasm for The Big Game (can't say Super Bowl, even here on 4000 Days for fear of the NFL or the network losing revenue) is spiraling downward on an historical basis.  Green Bay and Pittsburgh?  Someone should compare rap sheets for the two squads.

I heard one report that whomever is in charge of admissions for the game is also charging $200 for tailgaters not even going into the game.  I'd say that that is pretty bold.  I wonder how close you need to be to Texas Stadium before you literally incur a "carrying charge" for being in on the action? 

The golf season is in full swing, and Tiger and Phil finally tee it up this week in San Diego.  I watched just a little of the tournament last weekend, but without the big names playing, there just wasn't the drama.  The economy may be improving, but The Bob Hope last weekend went without a title sponsor (previously Chrysler), and the ladies tour has seriously contracted for want of sponsorships.

I'm taking the Over on the Federalies nailing Lance on some aspect of doping.  Too many unrelated parties seem to be admitting too many incriminating things to think that he can get through the net.  Personally, I maintain the position that they ought to spend their money elsewhere.  The Selena Roberts' of the world get no medals from me.

NASCAR Speed Weeks start next week.  Rev 'em up!

Thanks to 2 and 3 for actually supplying the last brownie for my woeful status over the weekend.

Sorry for the lack of creativity tonight.  Tough day at the office.  Stress level moving up the scale on some projects.  Maybe better ideas tomorrow.


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