Tuesday, January 04, 2011


Obviously, the disc with reunion photos did arrive in my mail today.  Thanks to Revkev and Uncle Phil for making it happen.  We're all looking forward to our next visit to Tahoe.  My timing will likely be 2012, although others in the fam may try to do something earlier.  How can you not want to go to Tahoe?

I need to head out now and prep the Buick for tonight's excursion to the O'Hare area to deliver 2 and her friends to their hotel.  It's not the trip in that bothers me; it's that immediate turn-around-and-come-home move that I'm not looking forward to.

How about this for a postulate: WASP men are held to a higher standard of political correctness than any other demographic group.  From what I see and read, when in the public eye, a WASP male stands no chance against even the hint of impropriety for deed, comment or omission.  There are examples everyday.  Even when you exclude Brett Fav-ra.

Still curious about a report from the 212.


1 comment:

camperkev said...

Still missing your contributions to the elder photos. Any chance I could get them still.

I included the scans on the DVD, but they do not include in the metafile info the dates, locations, and names of people written on the back. Once I finish that part I will send a new DVD out to everyone.

Given my speedy turn around there is obviously a rush for you to get me your photos. J/k.

Drive safe.