Thursday, January 20, 2011


2 gets to be Daughter of the Day for her return to the good 'ol US of A!  She's in The Big Apple with 3 and Herky tonight.  A little sightseeing and society before her return to The Real World on Sunday.  Enjoy the weekend!

Okay.  This is a bit of an extended example of the Sometimer's kicking in.  Not the glasses.  Not the keys.

On the plane coming back from PHX on Sunday, Cal wrote me a check to cover his share of expenses that I had paid for the group.  I folded it and put it in the Robert Ludlum book that I was reading. (Still stuck at about the 1/3 point, and now a little bored.)

I distinctly remember subsequently transferring the check to my murse so that I wouldn't lose it.  I also remember taking my murse to the office on Monday and Tuesday because I keep the digi card-reader in one of those "can't-lose" compartments and I needed to transfer the PHX pics to my laptop to send to the other guys.

Then there were four insurance refund checks in the mail on Tuesday and a couple of other random checks that I had been holding at my desk and that I needed to deposit to my checking account.  So I decided hit the bank on Wednesday to make a collective deposit.

I put the insurance refund checks in the murse as I left the house on Wednesday morning.  I go to the bank at lunch.  I get to the island in the bank lobby, pull out the checks, and no Cal check!  I'm flummoxed.  I go back to the house and page through the Ludlum book.  Nothing but boarding passes!  I recheck every niche of the murse.  Nothing but band-aids and credit card receipts.

I'm stumped.  I get the flashlight and look under my bed thinking that maybe the check fell out of the book when I was reading at night.  And that was after an RCL day!

I pretty well conclude that I'm going to have to tell Cal that he'll need to put a "stop-payment" order on the check and re-write me another one.

When I get "whined" awake by The Winniferous at Oh-Dark_Hundred this morning, and while I'm encouraging her to "go pottie" in the dark and cold of my Perfect Neighbor's yard, it flahes in my mind that I had purposefully set-aside a couple of business checks on a bookcase in my office.  Could Cal's check maybe be there as well?

So long story short, that's where it was, and the deposit has a happy ending.

If something can be lost/misplaced and forgotten, LtPC has it covered.

Yes, I did give The Winniferous a bath tonight.  Not so proud of that distinction.  But is was the only acceptable alternative. If you get my drift.

Hope everyone has a good TGIF.  It's BITTER cold here tonight.  Maybe 10 below.  But milder for the weekend.  SRH is headed up to see 1.01.  Reports with pics required!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Martha said:

Welcome to senior moments