Tuesday, June 29, 2010


No blog today.

I did see a new commercial on FX that was kind of creative.  Rescue Me is an edgy show starring Dennis Leary about some guys in the New York City Fire Department.  I watched it some a couple of years ago, but Leary's efforts to maintain the edginess led to some pretty outrageous story lines.  And I got bored. 

Anyway, in their effort to plug the new episodes, they played on the NYC lifestyle, mixing reality with fiction, using Derek Jeter as himself driving through an "as if" scene from the show.  The 30-45 second ad has firefighters exiting from a smoldering building as he (Jeter) is slowly driving by in the street, in his Escalade, looking at the exhausted firemen.  No dialog among the players.  Interesting.

Great ride this AM with @bcbison, even if it was on the old bike.  The primary bike is out of the shop (good-bye $200!), and I'm promoting the use of the Trek to my pal Ron who thinks he needs a new ride for RAGBRAI.  I'm telling him to save his coin and use the Trek.

Another early ride (on my own) in the AM.  Meeting tomorrow night.

Not sure why there's all the hub-bub about Elena Kagan.  She's a Harvard liberal.  Nominated by a Harvard liberal.  Designated to replace a liberal member of the Court.  Do the math.  Regardless of what she says in response to the questions in the current hearings, she's going to side with progressive (read liberal) issues.  And the Big O's legacy of nominating gender/racial diversity to the Court will be established.  Whatever.

So no blog today actually means a couple of paragraphs today.  My bad.


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