Saturday, June 26, 2010


Hey to all from Lincoln!

So hot!  They have a heat advisory out for this afternoon.  It was already 89 degrees when I stopped at SB's for coffee at 0900.  Ouch!  While the winners both lost yesterday, making it necessary for two CWS elimination games today, we're no even thinking about venturing to Omaha.  2 and I are just going to surround 4 with fff love.

We supervised 4's production of the 10 o'clock news last night, and then headed out for late night cocktails at a couple of places in downtown Lincoln.  Their "in" area is called The Haymarket.  It's kind of an old warehouse district that they have re-habbed into bars, restaurants and clubs.  The two bars we stopped in at could have been in Iowa City, St. Louis, or even the Wrigleyville area of Chicago.

I haven't been up at 0130 forever (not counting the overnight flight to Italy last year).  Making it to "last call" was another rare occurrence.  Probably not doing a repeat performance tonight.

One of the downsides of 4 not having cable, 2's doing a two-day Friends Season Whatever marathon.  And I never liked (or even watched the show) when the episodes ran originally.  Is there a website where you vote for The Most Annoying Friend on Friends?  It could be a 6-way dead heat.

I noticed on my ride yesterday that several of the street lights in this area are mounted horizontally on the overhead extension bars at the intersections.  My first thought was that they did this to gain clearance from the vehicles traveling below.  But then I wondered, if so, why didn't they just mount the extension bars higher on the poles so the lights wouldn't hang too low?  And then I wondered if maybe there was a connection with those bumpy metal plates at the sidewalk ramps at the same intersections.

These are tough questions.

More later.


We did dinner at an Italian place in The Haymarket district. Not bad.  The wine was a Barbera de Asti, but was no where near as good as the Barbera that we had in Boston.  2 and 4 are getting set now to go back out with the young crowd.  I'm headed to bed!  Two nights in a row is not going to happen to LtPC.


1 comment:

1 said...

those are some brain benders, pc. props to you for hangin with the young crowd...don't know if i'd have made it! not the heat here, but last night we had a storm worse than the one that hit the qc last friday.
headed to a grad party for a girl i had my first year of teaching. she has sort of kept in touch over the years, came to one of my basketball games last year, and texted me about her party. i'll just stop by with 1.01 for a bit (i'm taking pillars of the earth for her gift...sort of appropriate from her English teacher, right?) strange that she's graduated. i think i'll always remember her as a 9th or 10th grader. i had her on my 9th grade basketball team and in class as a 10th grader, but she also managed my 9th grade team when she was in 10th.
got in 9.5 on a treadmill this am because the weather was like last weekend in ia and i didn't have pc's house to stop at! sub 8:30's and felt good.
shout out to the fff in lincoln!