Sunday, June 27, 2010

Sunday AM

SB's in Lincoln for a little Sunday relaxation before the drive home.

2 and 4 did their late-night-with-the-gang-thing and are catching some extra zzz's.  In the fog of my memory, I just don't recall times from my youth (pre-30's) when the "night-out" started at 2300.  Then again, I've been a morning person forever, so my programming is in another universe.

Another point from my observations yesterday about the street lights and sidewalk plates is the cameras.  I mean, they are mounted on the signal cross-poles at almost all major intersections.  People are watching you.  And tracking your habits.

One of the by-products of my laptop repair is that I am now able to text from my computer.  I suppose that I was able to do this previously, but the visuals on the screen didn't show the option as then presented.  The question is, under what circumstances does texting from your computer present a better option than texting from your phone?  And I wonder if my unlimited plan with Verizon Wireless for my laptop includes texting?  I guess we'll see.

Intersting to note the number of elementary and pre-school aged kids that come through SB's with their parents.  When I was that age, a 5 cent ice cream cone was the treat.  Now it's some foo-foo foamy-ice thing for $2.40.  And the caffine addiction for a life-time.

So I'm headed back to wake the crew so that our departure time doesn't get out of hand.  I'll add here later.  Maybe even from the road if 2 can stay awake.


The trip home was pretty uneventful.  Less than six hours.  2 wasn't too anxious to drive so I had the wheel the whole way.  No worries.  Traffic was actually less-hectic than the trip over on Thursday night and Friday morning.  We do need to remember a book-on-CD for the next trip to Big Red Country.

I had had a suspicion that my Perfect Neighbor might take a look at my grass this weekend and put his mower to work on my yard...and he did!  So rather than a busy evening catching up with that task, I was able to cruise through making dinner, doing laundry, and generally hangin' out.  Now getting ready to hit the hay.  Love my own bed.

I've encountered a technology hic-up with Twitter when traveling across area codes.  A typed-in Tweet just wouldn't go through.  At least twice.  On the way over to Lincoln.  And on the way back.  I'm wondering if it's a software thing when the phone switches towers?  On the way over, it was while 2 was driving, and I tried both the phone and the laptop.  Same non-result.  Try the same thing a while later, and all's well.  A new phantom-gremlin.

My friend Doug in DM was telling us Thursday night about an effort by a group of DM community leaders to try to bring civility back into the general conduct among the populace.  They had a kick-off luncheon recently where the featured speaker was Jim Leach, former US Congressman from Iowa (here, actually), and subsequently a yea-hoo at Princeton and Harvard.  He's now a flack for the National Endowment for the Humanities and he's actually doing a civility roadshow.  (Our government at work.  I suppose the roadshow does produce a few new jobs for some minimum-wage earners.)   The concept is admirable.  But I suspect that the Lefties will just simply want those with another view to politely concede the point and fall appropriately in line.  Whatever.

Hope everyone has a good week.


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