Thursday, December 17, 2009


Happy Tax-Week B-day to 4!

My pal Pete had a small office party tonight at a Davenport spot and the star of the party was "Single N". (You have to understand that Pete had, and still has, two legal assistants named Diane and Dianne. Do the math.) Single N was assigned to do my secretarial needs when I sub-rented from Pete's law firm in the early '80's. She was a star, able to do things on an IBM Selectric Magcard machine that normal steno's only dreamed of. She continued to work for Pete full time until the early 2000's, and had done part-time stuff through earlier this year.

The bad news is that she had a stroke last Summer and has lost most of her ability to speak, and has only limited use of her right arm. She says, "Piece of Cake" as her response to almost every question or comment directed her way. Or "s--t" when she just can't get any other words out. It was a lot of fun to see her out, and even though it is sad to see struggle with the small things, the reality is that she is doing well with what she has. Her situation reminds me a little of Daddy in his last few months. Single N was a VIP in my life in those early days of my business. Tonight reminded me that she still is.

There was a story on the wires today that the last bookstore in Laredo, Texas has closed. It was significant because Laredo became the largest town in the country without a bookstore. I really didn't read the particulars, but the economics of a bookstore are not good. Not with, Wally World, and all the other big boxes selling everything at deep discounts. Why invest in the bricks and mortar? Plus, the socio-economic make-up of the local population can limit interest in the intellectual pastimes. Maybe Aunt Martha has a solution.

On a very strained tangerine comparative...uh, make that a tangential comparative, what about the Salvation Army kettle business? These guys are dying an increasingly slow death. How do you get them to gather revenue from the plastic society? They're ring bells in front of Walgreen's, the grocery store and the mall. For nickels and dimes. They need another shtick.

Glad tomorrow is TGIF. Looking forward to the weekend. I mean, I really want to go Christmas shopping.



4 said...

In several cities, Salvation Army has had to HIRE bell ringers because they don't have enough volunteers. That's not the case here, though.

We ran a story yesterday that their toy donations in Lincoln are also down more than 50%.

3 said...

I've been giving dollars to the Salvation Army guys wherever I can! I always remember that Grandma Reichard used to do that back in the day and it makes me feel nice to contribute. Have not made any toy donations... maybe that should be my next move.

4 said...

I contribute small change! I'm too poor to donate dollars. But I did buy a gift. Easier than shopping for you all :-)