Thursday, December 03, 2009


Coming to you today from a continuing education conference. At least I'm not wasting my time doing crossword puzzles. This particular one is being held in a big meeting room at the iWireless Center in Moline. They have a pretty good room for this kind of thing (I'm guessing 250+ are here), except for some bearing columns that obscure some sight lines. The material is less than inspiring.

I did Twitter last night in recognition of my first 2009 Christmas party. My pal Cal was host for his office (and guests) at the club in Muskie. Good time had by all.

The Group of Four from last January in Scottsdale (Roy, Cal, Bobby D and LtPC) is scheduled to make a return visit next month from the 6th to the 10th. Three rounds at desert courses. It's not about the golf.

I guess it's fair to say that Tiger didn't get the Big O pass from the media. Several lessons here:

1. If you want to mess around, it's best to stay away from reality TV wannabees.
2. Rule 1 also applies to club girls, club hostesses and other similar socialites.
3. Text messages do not automatically erase.
4. Rule 3 also applies to recorded messages.
5. TMZ and their ilk will out anyone or anything.
6. Money always matters.
7. Very few good things happen after midnight.
8. Some things in Vegas don't stay in Vegas.
9. Going Viral on the Internet is now defined.
10.Below radar, invisible and other such terms are no longer relevant.

We've had a substantial downturn in temps here today. Lows are forcasted for the teens the next couple of nights. Snow flurries when I was out for lunch. It is December. Margret may be done for the year.

All for now. More later.


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