Saturday, December 05, 2009


Saturday at SB's.

Does it mean that you are a "Regular of Influence" when the store manager comes over and asks if it's ok if they move the soft chairs a little further into the store to facilitate customer traffic? Not saying that our group has pull, but then again, we certainly have more seniority than any of the baristas.

There's a little Winnie in my future today. 2 has a full day of class, so I'm taking my favorite Carin terrier on my run after lunch. I'm waiting until the temp gets above 30 before I take off.

This morning's local paper had a story about the period section of town called the Village of East Davenport's annual Christmas Walk last night. That's when many of the stores have live displays in their windows of people in historical dress performing holiday-type activities from that era. I always take a small amount of humor in the event from my participation in it years ago. When our group was a fixture at the front table in the McClellan Stockade on Friday nights, we stepped up to perform as the town party-ers for the touring crowds. It was an easy act.

More here later. Off to pick up Winnie.


1 comment:

2 said...

Class. AGh. The kid next to me keeps watching me type. Keep your eyes on your own computer dude! Creepo.