Monday, December 21, 2009


Hello and Good-bye to the Winter Solstice. If you are in the Northern Hemisphere. Literally caused by the angle of the dangle. Of the earth's north-south axis as it rotates about the sun. From a biker's perspective, we certainly like those longer days come Summer time. Interesting that the progression is not exactly linear, or that the sunset or sunrise times hit their lows (or highs) on the same day. (Wikipedia can explain. I checked out even before I wrote that sentence.)

I always knew it as the First Day of Winter. Isn't a solstice the bread-and-milk treatment for a boil? Oops. That would be poultice. Sorry, Margret.

Anybody who thinks that the abomination known as Obamacare shortly to be passed by the Senate is anything but a pork-laden, back-room-tradin', tax-raisin', poor-excuse-for-governin' piece of crap, has sipped way too much of the Hope-n-Change koolaid. Not that I have any opinion on the matter.

Had my first oranges tonight. They had several different batches out at the store, at sale prices, which suggested to me that the crop must be in. They were pretty good. Much easier to peel than the Texas grapefruit that I had sampled each of the last few days. Love that great fruit. (As opposed to just grapefruit...Bah-da-bing!)

What about Public Service Announcements (PSA's) on radio? Who pays, and what's required of stations? If anything? The local FOX Sports station has a ton of PSA's on everyday. Almost at every commercial break. Either 1) they are very committed to the community, 2) they are required by law to air a certain number on a daily or weekly basis, 3) they get paid to air them, or 4) they have an overabundance of un-sold air time and they're filling space. My guess is that it's 4. Maybe our 4 can educate us.

First round with my personal trainer in the AM at 0700. Think I'll do the treadmill first. Meeting tomorrow night so the blog may suffer.

For the folks out there praying for us sinners, add the weather to this week's requests. The trip North looks a little sketchy for Thursday.

Thanks for reading.



1 said...

just to clarify, i know that the grapefruit league is in florida and it's the cactus league we go to in phoenix. better weather in az. even though i'd love to see god.

4 said...

I don't know about the PSAs. I do know that lack of advertising means more time for me to fill with news.

Since I've started, I probably get an extra minute or minute and a half. Doesn't seem like much, but consider the crappy 20 second stories I wouldn't run if it wasn't necessary to fill the time.

Such stories might include that the Blue Angels will be in Lincoln in September, 2011 or that the temporary State Fair office has relocated to another temporary location.

We fill time by taping C-SPAN when Senators Nelson and Johanns talk on the floor about health care. Then we cut it down and run it.