Tuesday, March 13, 2007


70's and sunny today. Great day to be inside doing tax returns.

The play-in game is tonight. First round of NIT games as well. The Real Madness starts in less than 40 hours. Get those picks registered!

I do have my completion certificate for the first coaching clinic class on my office door. One down. Three to go.

An interesting tidbit of controversy for that play-in game tonight. The NCAA powers-that-be elected to not place the two lowest rated teams in the game because both are from "Historically Black Colleges" and they didn't want to eliminate one of those teams (for certain) in the play-in game. I think that that logic is a bit over-done. Niagra, the higher rated team, may have a gripe that they have to play the game, but they do get a national TV audience, and the winner is going to get waxed anyway.

VIACOM is suing YouTube for $1 billion for unlawful use of protected property. It's really another Napster-type of situation. There's big money out there and the traditional media moguls like VIACOM do not want to watch the new kids on the block walk away with all the cash.

Tiger Woods created a stir a week or so ago when he and the PGA brass announced that he was becoming the host for a new tour event to be held in the Washington DC area in early July. The event effectively takes the place of an event called The International held for the last several years in Colorado. That event folded early this year when the organizers could not secure a primary corporate sponsor. (A little of a reach for Criterium Financial.) The vision is to make the new event a clone of the tournaments hosted by Arnold Palmer and Jack Nicklaus at different times in the year.

The Palmer and Nicklaus events have "invitational" fields, which means that fewer players are asked to play than in a normal weekend tournament. That rankles the lesser players. But it's the big names who draw the fans.

The other reality that this illustrates is that if Tiger plays, the tournament will probably succeed. AT&T, which already corporately sponsors a couple of other PGA weekends, quickly stepped up as the corporate sponsor. The people in Colorado, where Tiger never played, can be heard in the background grumbling at their fate.

It looks like the state of Iowa is going to pass a new law that adds $1 tax to each pack of cigarettes sold in the state. The logic is to discourage smoking and to collect taxes. I have my doubts about the success of the effort to curtail smoking habits. It's an addiction!

I think that the warm weather today will have finally melted the ice in front of my garage. That drift of snow-covered ice has reminded me of the slow-to-melt drifts in the mountains around Tahoe that we see on our mid-Summer hikes.

Anybody read the story this week about the sorority that dumped a bunch of girls for "non-support/participation" reasons? The fact that none were beauty queens not withstanding. I think the national office yanked the local house's permits after the story got on the wire. Girls just being girls.

Ok. Still light out and I'm headed home. (By the by, myself and my electronics all survived the time change without damage.)

Have a great evening.

Be careful out there.


Anonymous said...

i did see the story on the sorority and decided that someone had just been chosen to be made an example of. they did get kicked off campus. we had a record high today (i think). it is amazing what nice weather does for people's moods. i notice it in myself, the other person who lives with me, and with my students. although, sometimes i think that if i'm in a better mood, my students tend to be in a better mood. our huge snow mountain will be the last to melt because we face the wrong direction. i always forget if north or south is the way you want to be facing, but whichever it is we don't face it. we have snow almost as long as the tahoe mountains. there's nothing like the sound of melting snow trickling into the sewer at eight at night, though. i had to go to a department meeting after school today, and i realized how much i hate meetings. i have an all faculty meeting tomorrow, which i know will be mostly pointless. they aren't long, maybe a half-hour, but i feel that it is time i could spend doing something else and i hate wasting time. i shouldn't complain too much; with basketball practice and games i hadn't been to a department meeting all year. i could ramble on about random topics, but my eyelids are getting very heavy. i had to laugh the other day because i usually get up at 5:30 even though school doesn't start until 8:10. some teachers don't get to school until 7:30 or so, but i like getting ther around 6:30. there are no other people around and i can really get some work done. i enjoy the quiet and my coffee. i attribute my fondness of the morning to dad. anyway, the other morning matt was still sleeping and he said, "will you relax, you don't have to be at work for two and a half more hours!". i was running around to get my things together and get out of the house by the time i wanted, and hadn't considered that i wasn't going to be 'late' for work. funny how we create schedules for ourselves and become oblivious to the ones we are 'supposed' to follow.

Anonymous said...

I do not have a fondness of the morning. I am proud of myself when I sign in and it's 8. That means I don't get to my desk and ready to go until at least 8:15...However, I still have plenty of time alone at work by myself..answering the phone...Since no one else gets there until much later. Yet, I get repremanded by people other than my boss (who doesn't care) when I leave early and come in a little late. No one else gets in trouble. In fact. Last Friday - I left 10 mintues early, after taking NO lunch, and EVERYONE ELSE was gone, and someone who was down stairs with someone else who left early said something to me asking who was going to answer the phones and when I replied that I thought they would be fine for 10 mintues on Friday afternoon, she asked what if they were calling for her!!?!?!?! I looked at her and walked out of the building.

Anyway. I'm not bitter. I ran 4.4 tonight down by the river. 40.44. And the way back was against the wind. Not fun at all. Tomorrow I've got to do a little longer run. Might run to dads and back...

Haha. Today I was going to go to a meeting, because if I went along with the girl who was also going someone (um, me) would know how to do what they were training us on(new mailing rates). However. I went to the wrong place. The people there must have thought I was crazy. I put it in my head weeks ago it was at the Lodge. And it wasn't. It was at the Clarion. Oh well.

I got my picks in. I guessed. For sure not going to win...