Thursday, March 29, 2007


Another day at the salt mines.

The carpenter did a pretty good job with the doors. And not that big of a mess. But he had to come back today to move the light higher on the wall. I suspect that dust will be in the equation tonight. At this point, my only critique is that I made no effort to match the wood stain with the color of my other trim and furniture. The doors are not far off, but may be a little more "golden" than some of the other items in my house. And he used gold doors knobs. I might have preferred brushed brass or pewter. Then again, I could have actually stepped up and taken an active roll in these selections rather than tell him to get "whatever". Martha Stewart I'm not.

Anyone see the bloody nose that the USAFA player got in the game Tuesday night? I think that that may have been the most blood that I have ever seen on a basketball court. They had considerably less horsepower than did Clemson, but they distinguished themselves well by never giving in to defeat.

The class and character of the military acadamies' teams always draw strong reviews. Even the most jaded of money-driven elements will often step back and comment, "Wow. I'm glad those guys are on our side." Me too.

Any thoughts out there on favorite pizza? We had a staff lunch today and had delivered in Happy Joe's. While I'm not a huge pizza fan, this was very pedestrian fare. I like Harris' Hawaiian, and the deep dish served at some of the Chicago places. Maybe it's the crust more than it is the toppings. Any ideas? Aunt Martha used to make a pretty good home-made pie. I don't think they had places that delivered back on the farm.

Please contain yourselves over the big NIT game tonight.

Be careful out there.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

uh, don't you remember mama's? due to the freezing temperatures we had this winter, a pipe burst over the restaurant and they are in the midst of a complete remodel until june. it definitely puts a gap in our rotation of resturants.
had our last meeting with the priest tonight. apparently matt and i are more compatable than most couples. we think that's a good sign. one more day till SPRING BREAK!!! i can't wait...