Wednesday, September 13, 2006


Just a few lines tonight. Another day that just flew by.

I see there's a story in the news that Katie has slid back to #3 in ranking for the evening network news programs. I was hopeful that she would find her way further down the charts.

Roy brought our coffee group T-shirts from the Jimmy Buffet concert. He thinks that the cost of 5 shirts was $210. And they're just ordinary shirts with Parrothead stuff on them. Cost to make and screen print each had to be $10, tops. Do the math. No wonder he has Margaritaville's at various resort locations. How do you spell "cash cow"?

Best wishes to 2 on her trip to Florida. 3 on her quest for the Best Job Possible. And 4 on finding interests. 1, you're doing great with Real World 101.

I'm off to do my run. I've missed a couple of days. That IRS agent didn't call me until about 8 last night, just as I was walking into Hy Vee to find something for din-din. I spent a half hour on the phone outside the store trying to explain to her a calculation that I didn't even have in front of me. I still have more work to do on the case. A fitting end to a long day.

Think about this one from the Des Moines sales meeting. One of the motivational speakers said,"I have seen a lot of people fail in the brokerage business. And they all share one trait. Everyone I've seen who has failed has been a negative person. But you know what? I have never seen an optimistic person fail."

So go out there and have a positive evening. But,

Be careful out there.


Anonymous said...

you have one thing over katie, dad. a consistent sign-off.
i'm exhausted and looking forward to the weekend.
thought we had a go on one of the iowa dates, but all that has changed. i'll need to make some phone calls and talk to the iowa girls to get some details. there is a strong possibility of matt coming home with me for thanksgiving (we're pretty much planning on it), so we don't want to have to get coverage for lucy two weekends in a month. he really wants to come to the game, but it might not work out. for thanksgiving we'd be able to come for longer. ANYWAY, all that will be solidified within the next day or two. i'm open to thoughts and comments.

Anonymous said...

really, I need to find a good sign off. I'm pretty much obsessed with the movie "Goodnight, and Good Luck"