Friday, September 08, 2006


Well, today was a little better than yesterday. I'm not sure if I was any more effective than yesterday, but I am not as mentally exhausted. Still lots to do in the next week.

I've really enjoyed 4's entries the last couple of days. I think that her efforts could be a part of her literary portfolio as she gets further along with her academic programs.

I see where Facebook or one of those college-oriented sites has drawn the ire of users for scourering new entries and publishing alerts across the system. "Brittani is single again!" "Joe flunked calc!" "Cindy got a nose job!" Users have even organized protest groups. And these groups will do what? Critical stuff all. Actually, Blogspot opens with a listing of recently updated blogs. And my first blog host also had a Recently Updated blogs place on the opening screen. The new service must actually get into the content. 4000 Days probably doesn't have the content that would register on their scanner.

Margret is out today. Looking pretty sporty.

Lots of 9-11 stuff in the news. Hard to believe that it has been 5 years. I was here in my office watching the first tower burn when the second plane flew into the other tower. Those next couple of hours were surreal. When the real stories come out over the next 20 years, there will probably be more ugliness of the failures of high-level security groups, both before and after the acts. Just like with Katrina, government bureaucrats are most interested in protecting their jobs and deflecting responsibilities.

Bettendorf's city Administrator was through SB's earlier this week and I gave him the business on the road constuction mess on Devils Glen. Surprisingly, he concurred. He did point out that some of the problem with the timing of it all was created by the new Hy Vee building project. He also added that one of his suggestions was to go with round-abouts on Devils Glen at Tanglefoot and maybe 53rd to avoid the proliferation of traffic lights. Obviously, his opinion didn't get very far. From watching Continental cycling races on OLN, the Europeans seem to use round-abouts as a common solution to traffic flow issues on their roadways.

I think I heard an energy conservation message on the radio the other day that claimed something like 70% of the energy needed to do a load of laundry was to heat the water. I think I save some energy costs by using warm to wash and cold to rinse. The IC girls save a lot of their own energy (and, thereby, energy costs too) by not doing laundry, but that is another story.

I know 4 is working tonight. Good luck. Everybody have a good weekend. I'm off for some Tuscan red. Love.

Be careful out there.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i'm off for some shut-eye before the 20 miler tomorrow. i'll return with details.