Tuesday, February 02, 2010


I know that this is not an exact repeat of a question here previously, but the concept is the same; "What happened to January?" With February being a short month by definition, one could make the case that the first quarter of the year is all but gone. I will most certainly be on my bike outdoors next month.
The trip home Sunday from the TC was uneventful. But long. By rendevouxing with 4 in Mason City, 4 actually had the longer solo drive. Neither of us had done an adequate analysis on projected driving times, and I wanted to take advantage of the angle-route through Waterloo. The result: her drive from Lincoln to DM and then North was an hour longer than mine. She says that her next trip to the TC will be by air. She's probably right.
My latest issue with my "smart" phone is that my appointments come up on my Outlook calendar three hours later than actually scheduled. Now, the time on the face of the phone is correctly CST. And the appointments appear correctly on my desk-top Outlook calendar function. So somewhere in the phone Settings page, I've got a wrong time zone for the calendar page. And of course, it's not on the Calendar or Time menu pages. (I wonder if there's a bug in the sync function?) Whatever. Love the flexibility of the HTC.
The new Home Page photo here was taken from my Buick at 78mph on Sunday afternoon. Looking Northeast along Highway 27 in central Iowa. I thought that the desert scene was a little off point given the cold and snow.
I'm always amazed at the Super Bowl hype among the sports media the week before the game. Mike & Mike on ESPN2 have been broadcasting their morning show from Miami all week, and have Hall of Famer after Hall of Famer sitting with them giving their takes on the game. It gets a little old. Today, they were talking about the special bets that Vegas is offering, such as the number of TV shots of Archie Manning and Kim Kardashian. Heavy topics.
The Big O got in trouble this week for again dissing Vegas in a speech by referring to what you don't do in times of economic challenges. As in "drop some cash in Vegas." Does that mean Vegas is only relevant in good times? The wags can debate that one.
So this was supposed to be published last night, but I had it in draft form when I left the office, and just never got back to it at home after my treadmill work at Gold's. Sorry.
Early spin this morning. Almost a turn-away crowd. Those New Year's Resolutioner's are hangin' tough.
Have a great day.

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