Tuesday, March 03, 2009


Kudos to RevKev for his trivia on Square Root Day. Very Seinfeldesque.

Also, props to 4 for her reference to The Urinal Rule. I'm thinking that that one has legs (so to speak).

I updated my estate planning documents last week. (My pal Pete took the totaling of my car as a sign that completed but unsigned documents would not look good to his professional liability carrier.) Really not much to report. The Big O will not be getting any estate tax from me (unless the Lotto comes through). Uncle Phil gets the responsibility to "pull the plug" when the time comes. If he is not available, my pal Bill gets the privilege. Not that I plan on leaving the ranks of the living anytime soon.

Top Ten list of broken protocols in daily living:

1. Not washing ones hands before leaving a rest room. Ugh!
2. Not wiping down a machine at the gym. Gross!
3. Not holding the door for a lady heading into SB's. (Even when it means moving back a spot in line.)
4. Picking up a piece of newspaper (or the whole thing!) off an occupied table at the cafe or coffee shop without asking permission of the person at the table.
5. Pulling up to a bank drive-up window with totally unprepared paperwork.
6. Being late for an appointment.
7. Two people sitting at a four or six spot table when a two spot is available.
8. Idling the F-150 in the grocery store pick-up lane while the wife runs in to use the ATM.
9. Attempting to cash a check at a bank drive-up at 5:15PM. At a bank that you don't even have an account. Or an ID.
10. Checking out a DVD at the video store and wanting credit for a bad disk from a previous rental.

My bet is that this list could go on for a while. Have at it.



Anonymous said...

bringing your kid to the grocery store at 6pm to ring up your items in the 'self-check' lane. what a fun game!

Anonymous said...

Martha said:

I'm reading a new book by an author I have always liked, that will probably be on my top 10 of 2009. May even be required reading:

Jane Brody's Guide to the Great Beyond: A practical guide to help you and your loved ones prepare medically,legally and emotionally for the end of life.