Monday, December 13, 2010


So the change in scenery is driven by the local weather.  I mean, we really aren't too close to Summer mountain climbing with my road bike these days.

I had lunch with my pal Roy today and we got to talking about the harshness of farm life, particularly dairy farm life, in the bitter cold of Winter.  Doing all those chores (outside!) and then doing the twice-daily milking, with the constant use of water on the udders and the machines.  It makes me cringe even now.  Blessed are the farmers.

Looks like Bret Fav-ra will be on the bench tonight.  I'm betting at this point that he wishes he had stayed retired.  Not only for this year, but also for the dirt that will ultimately get passed out on his stint in The Big Apple.  His legacy will be hard-pressed to match that of the recently deceased Dandy Don Meredith who left the NFL of his own accord at age 29 or 30, and then retired from a successful TV career at age 46.  I'm guessing that the Bretster just ain't that gol-durn bright.

More here later.


My day tomorrow will be high-lighted with a tooth-pulling at 1300 hours.  It's the one that has already been through the root-canal, and miscellaneous other probings over the last year.  Not looking forward to the procedure.  Hope they have good drugs.

So the best the Big 10 could come up with for the names of their two new divisions is Leaders and Legends?  There surely will be a do-over when they get guffaw-ed out of the room.  They must have gone to the same media advisors that came up with Drake's "D+" logo. 

Not much else here.  Tossing another log on the fire.  Below zero here tonight.

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