Friday, December 03, 2010


Special recognition to the peanut gallery members for participating in the Turkey Trot for The Cure:

Revkev, Carrie, David, Trish, Denise, 1, 1.1, 2, 3, 4 (my treat!). Did I miss anyone?  Thanks to all.

3 has another entry up; see

I have Margret out today for a little exercise before her banishment to SRH's garage for the season.  We have snow in the forecast for this afternoon/evening.  Margret is a fair-weather gal.

Just saw my pal Terry O at second coffee.  All you folks with Sometimers or a derivative take heart: he was just back through SB's to pick up the laptop computer that he had left there earlier this morning!  (He also reported that he's headed to Osaka on Tuesday for a couple of days of meetings.  Flying business class for a fare of just over $8,400!  That's a full week's vacation of FFF in Tahoe, all travel, condo, food and incidentals included.  For eight!)

I'm not much of a die-hard Cub fan, but it is worthy to note that former third baseman and recent radio/TV colorman Ron Santo passed away yesterday at age 70 from complications of diabetes.  He had good numbers from his playing days, All-Star appearances and Gold Glove awards, but he was a bit of a hot-dog who did not ingratiate himself to all the sports writers, and he's been excluded by those voters from the Hall of Fame.  His infamous heel-kicking jumps after wins in the 1969 pennant race were not well-received by the opposition. 

One of the cardinal rules in baseball, more so than any other of the major sports, is that you don't show-up the other team.  Even in sports, you can say that politics matters.

A glaring example to the contrary: Wisconsin football.  What a great rep to have, Bret.

Lebron 1, Cleveland 0.  Of course, the Cav's have no players, but the Heat did it with exclamation points!

All for now.  Good luck with the weekend.  Is shopping a full-contact sport these days?


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