Wednesday, October 27, 2010


I started to make this entry yesterday (Tuesday) afternoon at the office, but I ran into an input problem for this pic taken at the Bettendorf library when I stopped to vote over the lunch hour.  My desktop had picked up another virus late Monday, and the IT folks who cleaned up the mess had put up more firewalls to limit future problems.  But one of the ancillary items blocked was my USB picture download device.  Still trying to get that cleared.

In the alternative, I loaded the pics onto my laptop, but my evening last night did not include time for the blog.   I emailed thes pics to my Yahoo account and then downloaded those to the desktop.  Way too much work for a small point.

But I can now attest that I have officially performed my civic duty and have cast my ballot for next Tuesday's election.  You could say that I have supported the Democracy, but I probably supported the Republic more so.  If they had an option of Anti-Incumbantcy, I would have been even more aptly described.

This whole business of early voting is an interesting development.  Mother and Daddy were always big in capturing the "Absentee" votes, but the early voting that is now available offers a pure convenience opportunity for anyone.  I'm wondering what the next iteration will be for the voting process as technology renders the physical "voting booth" more and more meaningless.  We file most tax returns now on an electronic basis, why not the vote?

Of course, electronic voting might make voting fraud even more appealing to the disreputable.  Can you say, "Identity theft?"  Imagine what the folks in Chicago could do with electronic signatures.  "Vote early, vote often" would so inadequately capture the mantra of the new age Chicago Machine.

World Series tonight.  Taking the Rangers.  If all else fails, Cliff Lee can throw three times.

More later.



Kristen Charles said...

I love voting.
I forgot to request an absentee ballot. I'm hoping to vote early when I get into town Friday.

Anonymous said...

The lst election Daddy entered and one he won was the one that the Des Moines Register published an article the day befor the day before the election accusing Mother of absentee voting fraud which of sourse they retracted after the election. So this years dirty politics is just a continuation of the past.

Tahoe Phil

camperkev said...

I'm an absentee voter through and through. I have not stood in line to vote since 2000.

I can do everything in my life online with the exception of voting. Things I've done online that involve the government due to oversight and/or regulation: paid taxes (federal, state and property), renewed drivers license & vehicle registration, paid library fines, purchased airline tickets (homeland security fee), all of my banking, etc, etc.

Why can't I vote online? There is no logical/rational explanation.

Somehow, people buy into the idea that putting your ballot in a mailbox is safer than voting electronically.

Btw, UC you need to get a Mac. You get more viruses than anyone else I know.

srh said...

Margaret accused of voter fraud??? I always knew she was a sly one!!

camperkev said...

btw also, did you pick the rangers merely b/c they are not on the left coast?