Monday, October 11, 2010


What's that guy looking for?

I failed to comment yesterday on the 10-10-10 business, but really, did it matter?  Except for a unique date for a new baby, or a catchy sale come-on for the local mattress outlet, does anyone else care?  I mean, its a number!

1.01 completed the Chicago Marathon yesterday.  I know that he's not happy with his time, but he drew the short straw on weather again, and finishing in good health was a positive result.

Lots to do here this week.  I head out at Oh-Dark-Hundred on Friday to visit a client on the Gulf Coast in Texas for the weekend.  That means that a bunch of files need closed out by Thursday afternoon.  Nothing like deadlines to motivate a professional procrastinator.

Maybe more here later.



I forgot to comment earlier about a couple of thoughts that had stuck with me from the weekend.

First, Kenny Chesney has the current #1 country hit, The Boys of Fall, a song so full of platitudes that it belongs in a politician's stump speech.  Now aren't all country songs painfully vacuous,you ask?  Well, yes.  And isn't Kenny Chesney the Master of Fantasy?  Right again.  This one just hit me as being so far over the top with cliches that the singer needs to be called out on it.  Artistry?  It's nothin' but a money grab. Uh, silly me.  What isn't?

Then there was the dynamic duo of Anderson Cooper and Enimen on my favorite show last night, 60 Minutes of Lib Speak, talking about respect.  Not sure which of those guys could make me retch first.  You wouldn't need a stop watch.  (For the record, I was channel-surfing between innings.  It was a fleeting moment of loss before I was able to locate the clicker and get back to the game.)

I feel better now after getting those two things off my internal memory card.



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