Wednesday, October 20, 2010


This will be just a short entry to mark the middle of the week.

My six-month dental check-up was this AM.  I had put it off at least a couple of months because of a problem with one of my back molars that I knew would lead to a "project".  And the visit confirmed that need.  Basically, a tooth that originally had a large filling from youthful days, that was refined with a composite crown sometime 20-odd years ago, and then root-canaled last year, is now designated for extraction, and to be replaced by an implant.  None of this sounds good.  And yes, it will be expensive.  Happy Wednesday!

Between braces, bridges and other maintenance on my teeth, I have certainly contributed to the college funds of the kids of numerous dental professionals over the years.  (The guy who did my braces in Ottumwa was the first orthodontist in town and he retired a very rich man!)  When you spend that kind of money, it would be nice if there was part of the process that you enjoyed.  Not sure I like my side of the financial equation on this one. 

On the other hand (there's that country song again!), dental hygiene is an extemely important aspect of good health.  Mother's poor dental care lead to full dentures in her last year, and she never got comfortable with them.  She never ate solid food once the teeth were gone.  Obviously, there were other mental and physical issues at that time, but the dental stuff was not insignificant. 

A story in the news this week has Starbuck's looking to expand its offerings to include wine.  Actually, I kind of like the idea, but implementation would be imposing.  I mean, I can't imagine asking one of the baristas about this or that Cabernet!  What would they do, go to boxed wines?!?

I'm headed out for an afternoon of Indian Summer golf at Geneva with my pal Roy.  Looks like a great day.


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