Tuesday, March 11, 2008


It was a day for the bulls. The biggest one day rise for five years or so. We'll see if it can be sustained tomorrow.

Conventional wisdom had suggested that the market may have been temporarily over-sold, and the announcement this morning of a government-backed liquidity program sent the bulls running early, aided by the shorts closing positions before the rush.

Spitzer may not survive another day. I didn't realize how many people disliked him. Now though, in the space of a day, he's become just another fallen politician. Amazing how quickly it moves from shock and amazement to lurid details, to post script. They're already talking about the successor being the first legally blind governor in the country.

How 'bout a Top Ten list of true signs of Spring?

1. No morning frost on cars parked outside.
2. DST.
3. Easter.
4. Lower heating bills.
5. Hy Vee setting up the outside Garden Shop.
6. Lines at the car wash.
7. Spring Break trips.
8. High school track meets.
9. St. Patty's Day.
10. Mother's and Daddy's birthdays and wedding anniversary.

I've read of a little bit about some controversy in various places about the Catholic Church having a problem with St. Patrick's Day celebrations, the 17th falling in the middle of Holy Week and all. I been able to get passed it.

So have a good "hump" day.


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