Sunday, March 09, 2008


Welcome to DST! This has to be an invention of government. I was doing fine with regular time. The one redeeming fact is that my bedside clock is now correct. I had refused to reset it last Fall. Yet another example of ignoring a situation long enough that it self corrects.

Cool but sunny here today.

Augie ran out of magic in OT last night, losing to Washington U of St. Louis 70-67. Two really good teams, well-coached, and capable of playing with anybody. In looking at the statistics this morning, the key may have been Augie's 1 for 13 in three-point shooting.

2 and I were both worn out by the end of the game. Funny how you can get invested in a team, and how your general feelings can go up or down depending on their wins or losses.

The religious right is alive and well in the Quad Cities area. The local arena is holding a hollywood-scale production of animated dinosaurs this weekend. The local paper carried a letter to the editor from a minister who wanted to caution attendees from listening too hard to any non-biblical evolution theories that might be promoted at the show. Please save us all.

After failing to hit the mark with the young, blond lobbyist story on McCain, the NYT is giving a shot today at his history with melanoma. At least with this one, they're launching their concerns on page 20 as opposed to page one. An editorial piece on the OpEd page today tried to present some math on their fairness between the candidates. And the lead piece on the front page today was one that basically described Obama's small presence in the US Senate.

Speaking of ineffective senators, Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania wants more information from the NFL on the Patriots' "spygate" issue. I mean, did this guy have some money on the wrong side of the Super Bowl or what?

And finally, in the you've-got-to-be-kidding-me category, the IRS (or somebody in DC) is spending $42 large (as in million) to send out a mailing just to announce the economic stimulus package. I've always said that I would like the contract to be the government's mailing service. These guys don't look at the price tags on anything unless some watch-dog is on point.

Anyone have another use for the term "presumptive"? As in John McCain, the presumptive nominee of the Republican Party.

More later.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Martha said:

Thought you would write about the new Open Air magazine that comes with the Friday USA Today. They had a piece about the best sports movies…have you done compiled your list?

Also, thought I would “slate” the Sunday NYTimes for you. You are probably unaware that I have coined a new word; slating. It comes from the on line magazine
Slate and it’s daily feature: Today’s Papers, which highlights articles from the top 5 papers in the U S:

In Sunday’s Times there are two articles not to miss in the Sports Section on page 7. One is by the Big O and the other is about great quarterbacks.

The Business Section features articles on text messaging that compares the latest technology to telephones, radio etc., how Seattle promotes books, and the controversy on hormones in milk. I think worrying about hormones in milk is as crazy as organic food mania.

And of course, there is the essay contest Kristen could enter.

However, the NYT was weak without Frank Rich