Monday, March 03, 2008


No real reason to include the Golden Dome in the blog tonight, but I've come to like a little color in my entries, and I thought it would be OK to give some air time to ND. In the foreground is the steeple to the basillica (the main church on campus).

Glad to read about 4's project to add to her Internet presence. I told her to seek the aid of AM and Uncle Phil. Those retirees can be very useful.

Note to AM: I saw the article in yesterday's NYT about the sports analogies, but it appeared to me to be an Obama political report so I passed.

Augie does get to host it's first DIII tournament game on Friday. And their second one Saturday, if they win their first. (Wheaton College of the CCIW received a surprise at-large bid. They have a gunner who can score from the parking lot.)

I was pleased to get out and do my "standard" bike ride yesterday afternoon. That's the ride of 16+ around Davenport Country Club. The county roads were much better than the city streets that I rode on Saturday. That's the mid-week route that takes me about a buck twenty to complete in the Summer. It was a little longer yesterday as I was mostly just happy to be out, rather than looking for a time target. Lots of water running to toward the river. Very dirty water.

With temps in the high 60's, yesterday was a huge snow melt day. We're back to the 30's for the rest of the week. So the snow piles on the edges of the streets and parking lots will be there for another week or so.

I made the oversight of forgetting to turn my heat back on last night after turning it off during the day when I had opened the windows. I woke up at one point after midnight to go to the bathroom, and nudged the temperature lever up some, which didn't do any good since the unit was off. I'm keeping it to at least 62 for the rest of the week.

2 received a bit of a promotion down at the museum today. Details to follow later in the week.

Hope everyone has a good week.


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