Monday, March 10, 2008


Really a Monday today. The time change didn't go well.

Championship Week on ESPN. Of course, it started last weekend. Another example of their 10 day week like in Bowl Championship Week in December.

Eliot Spitzer had a tough day too. As the details begin to emerge on this, his rationality isn't close to reality. I mean, the guy used his own name. Hiding in plain sight is over rated.

The media cannot contain itself, even though Spitzer is a Democrat. I swear that Wolf Blitzer was drooling at the mouth as he "reported" on the story. Spitzer has few friends in the business community. As NY Attorney General, he went aggressively after some people in high place. Wall Street tends to remember those things.

4 has a busy week. Be a tiger, Kiddo. Good luck to 2 on her mid-term tomorrow night.

My quarterly water bill came today. About an 18% increase over the last quarter for the same amount of usage. I need to adjust my billing rates for a transportation surcharge. Is that how inflation gets started?

Speaking of natural resources, there's a report out that the average world temperatures for January 2008 were some of the lowest in many years. I know we sure have had Winter here. Maybe Al Gore should recalibrate those global warming numbers.

All for tonight. Have a good week.


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