Tuesday, November 21, 2006


This is tax-tax Turkey Day. The clan gathers tomorrow evening. We're about 39 hours to the TT as I write this.

2 and I had a nice run last night and we'll do an easy three miles this evening as a final shake-down for the TT. I'm pretty much back to normal from the weekend's illness. I'm still slow-a-foot, but that is normal for me.

Michael Richards (Kramer on Seinfeld) got in trouble over the weekend for ranting and raving at some hecklers at his stand-up comedy routine at some club in LA, including hurling some ugly racial slurs. Let's see, Mel Gibson has to go into rehab for alcohol for some racial incidents. Foley has to go into rehab for paging pages. Kieth Urban has to go into rehab for being way too foo foo for country music. How long will it take for Kramer to announce that he has to go into rehab for anger management?

Besides Jerry, have any of the characters had a life after Seinfeld? I know Elaine has a show on TV now, but its like her fourth attempt, and its not very good. I never see George, and this is the first I have heard of Kramer in years. Its almost like being a kid star; the show is done, and so is the kid star, doomed to being an assistant producer for his/her adult life.

I guess Peterman made it on Dancing With The Stars. That's what I call making it.

Have a great evening.

Be careful out there.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Craig and I are very happy that Katie found someone that lives up to Michael Jordan.

Sue Ryan