Tuesday, September 28, 2010


UPDATE...For those who read here earlier, I got my numbers mixed up: I had 2 in NYC, not 3.  Sorry for the math error!

This is just a quick-hitter before heading out for a run with 2 and The Winniferous.

3 said that her first day on the new job was good.  Details may be following?  What I can say is that for all those progressives out there who want to control those greedy bankers on Wall Street, be careful of who you speak.  3's business address is now spot-on the target location.

I've concluded that one of the characteristics of my job that makes it something-less-than-fulfilling at times is the lack of finality to so many of my tasks.  A file never seems to be "done".  For instance, my big tax clients just go from one extension to the next, then year end planning, and then data-acquisition for the next extension. 

I guess all jobs deal with that to an extent, but it seems like I have that as the norm.  And it's not a "New Normal".  It's been going on for, dare I say, decades?  I know, that why I make the "big" money.  Tell that to my bank account.

More later.

Now later...Just a brief recognition for the two girls with whom I spent time earlier this evening.  Monday was the 1 year anniversary of 2 bringing The Winniferous home to guard her house.  As they say, life hasn't been the same ever since!  2 is Daughter of the Day and The W is 4000 Days' first Canine of the Day.  (I can't believe I just said that!)

And finally, totally at random, I was in a conversation the other day at coffee about first airplane rides.  Mine was freshman year at ND with the USAF ROTC which arranged for an airplane to take a few of the cadets to the ND - Navy game in Philly.  We rode like parachutists in a WW II vintage C-47.  Maybe I'm lucky to be doing those endless tax returns!


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