Thursday, September 02, 2010


3 gave me a call today to ask for my thoughts on inclusions for a Hurricane Earl Emergency stash in anticipation of the storm now moving up the East Coast.  My only suggestion at the time was duct tape.  Just for yucks, here's a list of possible additions to the stash:

1.  Cell phone batteries.
2.  Scissors/pliers/Swiss Army pocket knife.
3.  Matches/lighter.
4.  NYT Crossword book!
5.  Lifesaver mints.
6.  Journal/spiral notebook.
7.  Disposable camera (with flash).
8.  Screw driver (with multiple heads).
9.  Transister radio (do they still make them?).
10. Especially for 3, lots of antihistamines!

Good luck to all for Friday.  Congrats to the Clones.  And Kirk!


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