Tuesday, September 21, 2010


The rains came and washed out the Tuesday Trot of LtPC, 2 and The Winniferous.  Maybe tomorrow.

OK.  This is just too easy.  I mean, why wouldn't an upscale university with pretty good street cred adopt a new logo with an emphasis on a "D+"?  I'm guessing that they paid an ad firm for the idea.  And I'm equally sure that it got a green light from the Board of Directors.  Can it get past the whole group of eggheads that a D+ might have a different meaning to prospective college students?

Do they have a Marketing major option in the Drake business school?  Can you say, "Case study?"

Then there's the equally smirky yucks out there (for quite a few folks not drinking the cool aid) of the national Democatic Party's new logo.  Again, some people in responsible positions are coming up with these creations.  And getting paid for it.  By intelligent people?

Did everyone see the video of the Cubs' Tyler Colvin getting struck by the pointed end of a broken bat over the weekend?  It didn't get a lot of play on SportsCenter in competition with all of the football stories (and the fact that the Cubs are a million games back in the standings).  Pretty ugly stuff.  Some of the articles talk about the maple wood bats being more dangerous than the ash bats that used to be the only wood used for baseball.  And the comparison to aluminum bats is a whole other debate.  Talk about PED's being a problem.

And this is something that I didn't know:  the conversion to maple bats has been because of the ash blight in the country's forests.  I guess everything is related.

3 has reports of moderate sanity in The Big Apple.  I am assured that specifics will follow.

Make Wednesday a good one.



camperkev said...

One thing for certain is that there will soon be an opening in the marketing department at Drake.

The alumni are going to go ballistic over that and the donation dollars will dry up for a brief period of time, which will give leverage to the President to take care of business.

That may be the worst slogan I've ever seen in higher ed.

camperkev said...

The Drake President had to respond to the outcry and even acknowledged that he approved it.

check it out: http://www.drake.edu/news/db/official/archive.php?article=6218

Perhaps there will be an opening in the president's office rather than the marketing office.

Alumni carry significant weight in private higher education, especially if they are donors.