Wednesday, June 17, 2009


The first hot and humid day of the Summer. 85 plus humidity today. Not my kind of weather. I'm camping out in my basement this evening. Amazing what a good dehumidifier can do for creature comforts.

4's television station has a Twitter address. Check it out: channel8abc. KLKN television in Lincoln.

I'm thinking that Twitter will fail as a business proposition. Reality has it's limits. While there is an element of vicarious interest in a celebrity's activities, everybody gets tired of everybody after a while. Who cares if Brit had a footlong at Subway?

Relatedly, the social networking site MySpace laid off 400 people this week (30% of it's workforce). The dynamic just keeps evolving. What worked last year is now passe.

Tiger Woods takes a lot of heat for his keeping his distance from the public. But with camera phones, instant messaging, Twitter, and the blogsphere, no one is safe from prying eyes and mud-rakers. Can you say Michael Phelps?

Another weekend with the fam on the move. C-town. Lincoln. Who knows with 3? Then it's the StL a week from Friday.

Can Mauer hit .400?

More later.


1 comment:

3 said...

I will actually be in Boston! For once! Although, don't worry, it won't be downtime or anything; Ryan is coming up from DC for a Bosox game Saturday. Forecast says rain, but I'm hoping not. We've had 60 and cloudy for what feels like a month... Boston has NO IDEA what June means.