Monday, June 22, 2009


Well, I-80 was everything that was expected for a Sunday afternoon. Back home around 1830.

While I didn't actually get to a game, I did pass by Rosenblatt Stadium in Omaha during the College World Series. The finals start tonight with Texas-LSU in the best of three.

I also passed by the Iowa Raceway track in Newton where they held an Indy-car race yesterday. Dario Franchitti of Ashley Judd fame was the winner. The traffic headed back to DM was bumper-to-bumper.

This entry is coming to you from a US Cellular outlet where they are now in the 75 minute range of trying to convert our phones to a business account. If my pal Bill was not here, I would have been long gone. (I actually walked out of another US Cellular store on Friday when I tried to initiate the transaction myself and they started with the bureaucratic BS.) American business in general suffers from a condition called "anti-automated-systemitis". Basically, that means that if you want to do anything that requires a human to enter a transaction that could under normal conditions be handled through an automated process, the human transaction will be screwed up.

Congrats to RevKev for the completion of his first triathlon. There is a very small part of me that envys the ability to take on such challenges. When I was young and ambitious, the physical challenges were big motivators. Now, I'm just glad that I can keep rubber between me and the road. Here! Here to RevKev!!

Lots of stories in the media about the celebrations at Stonehenge yesterday. My only observation is from a half-empty-glass perspective: we now begin to lose sunlight. My pal Pete and I like that early morning ride where we take off at 0520. As is the plan for tomorrow.

I had planned to get out tonight as well, but the hay field that is my yard beckons. I'm also on the hook for my perfect neighbor' who had rotator cuff surgery last week. So with 94 degree heat and two yards to do, I'll get plenty of exercise.

Thanks for the Father's Day messages. We'll celebrate for real in Stl. Belated Father's Day wishes to all of the dad's out there.

Finally, my new favorite saying (that I heard on the radio on my trip last weekend from basketball analyst Fran Fraschilla); "There are three kinds of people, 1) people who know, 2) people who don't know, and 3) people who don't know that they don't know."

Maybe more later.



Soo said...

Be glad your yard doesn't have hills. I mowed at 5pm and it was not pleasant. To reward myself I turned on the air, cracked open a beer, and started a ChicLit book instead of finished Pillars of the Earth. I'm also tuning in to the end of the Bachlorette. Cringeworthy stuff there.

Anonymous said...

"Beam Me up Scotty. There's no intelligent life down here."

camperkev said...

thanks for the shout out. I've also got my eye on the Tour de Tahoe on Sept. 13th. 77 miles around the lake. Interested? It's not Italy, but then again Italy is not Tahoe.