Thursday, October 12, 2006

Thursday PM

The political ads on TV are just awful. We get mostly coverage of the Iowa governor's race and of the Eastern Iowa congressional district. Both are situations where the incumbant is not running. As a matter of fact, the current Republican congressman is one of the candidates for governor. He's the guy who initially made the news in congress years ago by wearing a brown paper bag on his head when there were debates going on that were not getting anywhere. It all makes me glad that I don't have a land line at my house.

I wonder if they will ever figure out what went wrong with the Yankee pitcher who flew his small airplane into the condo hi-rise in NY yesterday? Pilot error? Mechanical failure? Intentional? Pretty gruesome regardless.

My partner Bill has a huge set of 75 or so trust returns that need to be signed by a guy in Chicago. The package last year was lost in transit by UPS. It was a big, grossly inconvenient, administrative task to re-copy the returns at the last minute for filing. It took them months to track down the missing overnight box. We are all hoping that the system has better results this year.

Craig Wilson wrote yesterday in USA Today about the little one act plays that occur when people put stuff out at the curb, "free for a good home". Such simple columns make me a little self-pitying since the topics are ones that I feel I could ramble on about at least as well as the published author. Funny how I ended up as a tax accountant.

Then there is the new TV show, "20 Good Years" with John Lithgow. That show's concept has to have a little of 4000 Days in its literary anatomy.

I suppose my grapes are running a little toward sour.

I'm off to meet 2 for a run in the cold.

Be careful out there. And keep warm!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Uncle Charlie,

You might not have been aware of this, but the Democratic candidate for your congressional seat is from Brooklyn. He went to high school with Julie and lived just down the stret from my grandparents. Furthermore, his mom was the second grade teacher to both Sue and me. I'm sure these compelling facts will be foremost in your mind come election day.