Saturday, October 28, 2006


Good day in IC. But cold and windy. Roy and I didn't even go into the game. We saw several friends/acquaintances in the parking lot. And we could easily hear the radio play-by-play and could also watch the replays on Hawk Vision. It would have been nicer if it was warmer. Enjoyed seeing 4 and friends. Missed 1 and 3. Another time.

2 and I did 4.8 this AM in 53+. But we were both hurting.

3 is still in C-town, electing to spend the evening with summer friends after her morning interview. The Friday interviews in NYC went well, with BofA already indicating that an offer would be forthcoming. She has also received other calls, including Merrill in NYC, so her whirlwind will continue for a few more days.

Roy has the suite for next week's Northwestern game. It may be a command attendance thing.

So I'll come up with more substance tomorrow.

Be careful out there.

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