Monday, October 09, 2006

Monday AM

Another busy weekend.

Enjoyable foray into IC for the game on Saturday. The parking pass from my pal Roy gave us a premium location. By arriving towards the end of the first quarter we avoided all pre-game traffic. And by leaving a couple hours after the game, there was very little exit traffic. Good to see 3 and 4 and to meet 3's friend from Ctown.

I've already put in a request for the parking pass for the game on the 28th. I would like to reserve the same weather too.

Busy week in store for me this week. I didn't get in to the office on Sunday so today will need to be productive to kick things off.

My schedule had me running on Saturday, but that didn't happen. So yesterday I did 2 Shel Silverstein runs to get the mileage. Actually felt better on the second one which was a couple hours after the first. Devils Glen is really torn up with construction.

Columbus Day. Does that mean anything to anybody in today's world except Federal workers who get the day off?

When I was in to check news and mail on Saturday morning, I did the old spill the coffee on the desk, keyboard and miscellaneous papers. It actually could hve been worse if the lid had come off my SB's cup. Does Murphy's Law have a separate section for coffee on the desk?

I'll try to add more later. Have a great day.

Be careful out there.

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