Wednesday, August 23, 2006


Glad to hear 3 is alive and well in IC.

The 7th probably makes more sense from a weather standpoint. Late October can get pretty dicey. There will have been some travel for some of us the previous weekend to the Twin Cities, but that really shouldn't interfere with a little trip the following weekend. I'll be glad to run the grill.

Heat wave in the QC. Humid. But it is August, so that's OK. I just don't like it in April or September.

Lots of press these days about the anniversary of Katrina. Really an opportunity to drag various government officials and agencies through the muck again. Sounds like there are lots of places down there where FEMA has never been able to respond. And there are critics on all sides on all aspects and perspectives. Bascially, I'm glad that I live in Iowa.

There's a little vignette on government services at work presented on Devil's Glen Road in Bettendorf these days. They're adding a lane each way from Middle to Tanglefoot, which means one lane of traffic each way most of the time. Add the mess in the Hy Vee parking lot, and it can get real interesting trying to get to the grocery or Shell station, not to mention just getting into the northbound lane across Devil's Glen from Maplecrest to get my ride started. I don't know if there would be a good time to do this work, but could there be a worse time than the start of the school year? With the high school and JC now beginning the Fall term, the traffic congestion is impressive.

One of Daddy's responsibilities as an elected County Supervisor in Wapello county in the 60's and 70's was road maintenance. Most of the county roads were gravel. I don't know how many miles of roads existed in the county, but there were always problems, and he always got a lot of calls at night from people complaining about the status of roads in their area. In the summer, there were always dust complaints. In the winter, plowing. Then there were bridge problems, easement rights, driveways. He got them all. But he really liked his job. And I think he was pretty good at it. I always remember that he said the key was to learn how to say, "No, we can't do that", in a way the compainant could understand. I think that applies to most service- oriented businesses even today. The customer is not always right.

I'm outta here. Have a good night.

Be careful out there.


Anonymous said...

Hello. Nothing much to say. Just wanted to let everyone know I'm alive. Seafood can be a real killer on the head. Never drink, I mean eat, seafood out of a bucket someone gives you.

My nose sucks and I think the doctor thinks I'm making up this problem just so I can get a nose job. But really, I would like to breath again sometime. My sympathy goes out to Mary. I find out within the month if my insurance will pay for the stuff what will help with the breathing, if I want a nose job that will all come out of my pocket. I'll refrain from saying how much will come out of that pocket, lets just hope I'm wearing jeans with deep ones...

I'm tired. Went for a run tonight - probably only 3.5. But still. Had some beers after work with some office folks - it was one of the girls last day : ( Running on beer was probably not a good choice, I had to pee the whole time.

Ok. Bed time.

Anonymous said...

the girls coach just said today that she is very interested in me coaching. that will impact when i can come. i'll know more next wed. but i pretty much am assuming i'll have the job. the AD and the principal both "spoke highly" of me. the october dates will be the best, i think.