Tuesday, August 22, 2006


Really don't have much to add today. Need to get out of here to get some mileage in before dark.

Tracy had her baby. A boy. I think Shan, which may translate to Shaun in English. I guess all is well with Mom, son and the rest of the family.

Here's a real quick Top Ten list for my summer so far. Most fun things. Not necessarily in order.

10. Tahoe wedding. A no-brainer.
9. KC wedding. Fun with the fam.
8. July 4th in C-town with 3.
7. Crow Valley Member-Guest golf event with Roy.
6. Moving 3 and 4 in IC on 7/31. Not really. Just kidding.
6. Biking DCC.
5. Fresh tomatos from my garden.
4. Sunday breakfasts at Ross with 2 (and 4 sometimes).
3. Driving Roy's STS to KC this month. Hot car!
2. Friday nights at Biaggi's. Tuscan red.
1. Ice cold water at the Argo Store, on the return from a long ride.

Sorry for the lack of creativity. Have a great night.

But be careful out there.


Anonymous said...

Hey folks - just a shout out from #3! I know that my bday does not fall on a home football weekend this year :( but i have had several requests for an alternative date tailgate extravaganza! I am quite amicable to this, if we can convince mom and dad to go to all the trouble again! The only home games in October are on Oct 7 vs. Purdue and Oct 28 v. Northern Illinois. I personally vote for the Oct. 7th game, as Purdue should be a much better game, and it's closest to the actual date of my bday without going over, which as Bob Barker taught us, is the appropriate way to measure. I do, however, appreciate that people have things going on in their lives which may make one day easier to work out than another. So i would appreciate it if those of my family members who are interested in the football deal would shout out here in the comments section which game is easier for them. And if not Purdue or Northern IL, which other game would you like to attend? Thank you in advance for your prompt responses. That is all. LOVE!

Anonymous said...

ok. so the 7th isn't ideal for both matt and i. he has a football game to ref on the 6th, which cuts the weekend really short. i can always come solo. and does anyone really want to see northern illinios? are there any games in early november against a better opponent, or does november not work for people? i can pretty much come whenever, i think, so plan according to those who have busier schedules. if i find out i am coaching, i may have more restrictions. love.