Friday, August 04, 2006

Friday in KC

Just checking in. Long two days so far. May stay an extra day if Jake's Pants gets in tonight.

At least it's not 100 degrees. And Roy's car is a treat to drive. The Book on CD is marginal. Rosie and Tom's place is nice. Very comfortable and spacious. Well appointed.

Elected to not pack the bike. I'll need to make up some days next week. I'm toying with the idea of doing a little training so that I can do the Turkey Trot this year.

I've done some thinking about business changes. The one rule of retail, "Ask for the order", needs to get higher up the priority list at Criterium.

4, I tried to give a little feedback on the resume. Did you not get my email? Personally, I think most of what you write is pretty good.

Hope everyone has a good weekend.

Be careful out there.


Anonymous said...

yes, i got the feedback, and thanks for the $10 thursday, it was a treat.

kate sent me a money holder. it's a little plastic container to hold credit cards and drivers licenses with a bungee top so they don't fall out. creative.

and don't do the turkey trot. the turkey trot is always, always a mistake. somehow i'm the only one that ever realizes that.

Anonymous said...

DO YOU REMEMBER WHEN I DID THE TURKEY TROT LAST YEAR?? I'm young and i thought i was relatively fit. that five mile jaunt took me out for the count. It was like, four degrees and i had a major asthma attack? I've never had such a miserable holiday. Haha, oh- except for the year before when you all started eating thanksgiving dinner without me. haters. SOME OF US ENJOY LEISURELY SHOWERS!