Monday, February 21, 2011


Just a couple of pics from the weekend.  Lots of in-house time in the TC with 1.01.  The snow came in Sunday morning and travel became problematic.  But we had original entertainment with us.  So life was good.

Auntie Tooie did her best to spoil 1.01, playing all the age-appropriate games with her until something else grabbed her attention (1.01's!).  Plastic balls, blocks, and musical toys can be very amusing.

Finally, LtPC got a little attention when he split some oranges on Saturday afternoon, and 1.01 couldn't get enough.  Just like her mother.

A little excitement getting out of the hotel parking lot in the TC this morning, but SB's was open, and we enjoyed a last visit before the morning nap.  The trip home was not bad once we hit the Iowa border. Even made it to spin class at 5:30.  Glad to be in my own bed tonight. 

Busy day tomorrow.  The many moving parts are extremely disconnected.


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