Saturday, May 01, 2010


Just a few lines tonight to keep the string going.

Sounds like 3's trip to C-town has been much more exciting than the plans.  Canceled flights.  Little sleep.  At least the home team came through this afternoon.  Better luck tomorrow, Kiddo.

4's phone may be on the outs in Vegas.  Follow her on Twitter this weekend.

I did the McCausland loop today and got killed on the return trip against the wind.  I had passed on an earlier morning ride with my pal Pete in deference to SB's.  Big mistake.  The winds picked up by late morning, and even though it didn't feel like I had an extra-ordinary tail-wind going out, the grind home made my Top Ten Worst Rides (all-time).  Really.  That bad.   My afternoon didn't get past the couch.

Pete and I are going to test the Fates and try the DeWitt trek at 0615 in the morning.

Props to 2 for getting an "A" in her most-recently-completed MBA class.  You da' girl.

So we have completed a third of the year.  May 1st.  Didn't they used to have big military parades in Moscow on May 1st?  And crowning ceremonies of Mary at church?  No complaints at this end.  About 75 days to the Mt. Rose challenge.  Which is a bit of the logic behind today's hard ride.  And tomorrow morning's.

Better stuff here tomorrow when I hit SB's for late morning coffee.

Good luck to all the travelers.


1 comment:

1 said...

with 1.1 having a marathon scheduled for memorial day weekend we have to alternate long runs. sat had a wind advisory and 20-30mph winds, with a similar forecast but more sun for today. 1.1 had to ump yesterday from 10-2, and i didn't want to wait till the afternoon to go or put it off till sunday. solution? throw 1.01 in the bob and get my 8.5 miles in sat. it wasn't as bad as i thought it would be, maybe b/c i didn't try to go that fast. i'll have to get a short recovery run in today, but with the bob again. i do love the bob, but doing every run with it is hard! i would have been great to draft off of yesterday.