Friday, April 30, 2010


So I've been off line for a few days as I have recovered from the April 15th due date.  Then there was the dash to the Twin Cities for 1.01's baptism.  And an attempt to get a biking schedule established.  Lousy excuses for not writing, but it is was it is.

Here's a little three-generation shot from the baptism.  1.01 was a star.  1 has indicated that the excitement of the days over that weekend made 1.01 sleep most of the nights.  Not the worst result.

This past Monday, I joined with three of my pals for a little golf outing for the PV school district Foundation.  The weather was great compared to prior years when we had snow, rain and wind.  We even had our jackets off for parts of this round.

I end up doing at least a couple of these charity outings each year, but I turn down most requests (and just send a check).  The formats are almost always "scrambles" which are essentially a "best-ball" competitions.  The events are set up as fund-raisers and winning is usually just a conversational topic.  But some teams get very motivated to score.  In the Monday event for example, we played pretty well, finished 8 under par, and trailed the winners by 11 strokes!  Do the math.  A round of golf has only 18 holes.

So yes, I did get a lock on my house after all these years.  The motivation was/is an assumed theft on Monday night of my not-so-smart phone.  While I was downstairs changing for bed.  I keep going over the facts, but I haven't been able to come up with a more rational explanation for the phone's disappearance.  Unless the phone walked off my counter or kitchen table on it's own, or fell into an unknown chasm in my kitchen, it was lifted by an uninvited guest.  Bummer.

I had my handiman put a new dead-bolt on my back door yesterday after failing to find a functional key for any of my existing locks.  I mean I looked in every nook and cranny, junk drawer and collection dish in the house to no avail.  Of course, last night when I was sliding the new key on to my keyrings, I did find the missing key.  I mean, why would it be on my key ring?  Now I'm curious of at least one other key on the ring for whose purpose I am clueless. 

I'm pretty sure that this has taken me past Sometimer's Disease.

Bike planning is now on Page One of the leaderboard of LtPC's schedule.  Mileage needs to go up on the weekends if the TOMRV ride in early June is going to be something less than painful.  That's 85 to Galena on Saturday, and again on the Sunday return ride, maybe.  (Keep in mind that I haven't done the Sunday portion of TOMRV for several years.  But there may be a couple of pals this year who may ride just the Sunday leg.)

Last night's ride in the wind was a little exciting when you had anything going South.  Like riding in molasses.  You know that you have a mental problem when you can't take a day off with those conditions outside. 

3's entries on her blog recently have been good ones.

Today was a bit of an anniversary for myself.  I had the planning meeting this morning over at Augie that was the same function that I had attended 14 months ago and then had the car accident on my way home to change from my suit to jeans.  (I go through that intersection everyday, and I always remember the crash.)

I think 2 got my pics from last weekend up on to her Walgreen's account.  There's another set from the mini-digi that I'll have her post later today.  There are some good ones, but the lighting in the church made really good ones difficult.

No big plans for the weekend.  Hope to hit the blog with lots of wisdom.


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