Sunday, May 16, 2010


Greetings from Beantown.  Sunday afternoon.  Hangin' out in the lobby of a Marriott not too far from 3's place.  She has some work to do and I'm just practicing  my Olympic-quality lobby-sitting skills.  I still have it.

3's neighborhood is very Italian-oriented.  It reminds me a lot of Verona, Italy from our trip there last Fall.  Narrow streets and narrow sidewalks.  Countless little shops, restaurants and specialty stores.  No Target, WalMart or Drive-Through-Anything.  Five minutes to Starbuck's.

3 and I did a long walk through town yesterday afternoon, ending up for lunch at a sports bar with outside seating.  I did the fish & chips.  Why wouldn't you?  Lots of tourists milling around the tourist areas.  Annoying actor's in period-costumes giving guided tours around the Freedom Trail sights.  Junk stands of souvenirs at every turn.

After our walk, we stopped and picked up a couple of bottles of wine for pre-dinner festivities, and then headed back to 3's for her to participate in a conference call.  We decided that a Diet Coke sounded pretty good, so I went out to the corner store to fetch like a good guest should.  I also spied another wine shop across the street and grabbed a couple of more bottles since we learned that the evening might include a couple of other friends.

(Let it be known that I also took the bait from a cute Corona Girl in the wine shop, bought a six-pack, and got a t-shirt, bottle opener, and a Corona chotskey to boot.  It must have been a slow day for Corona.)

After my nap and 3's call, we got the evening going with some wine and conversation.  The five of us eventually went out to eat at one of the nearby Italian places.  The food was okay, but the wine, a couple bottles of Barbera di Asti, was excellent.  We adjourned back to 3's, did some more damage to the wine supplies and crashed.  A good night for all.

Looks like a low-key day for us.  Maybe sushi tonight?  My pal Pete did the DeWitt ride this AM.  I feel like a malingerer sitting here and drinking my foo-foo water.  Hope to jump out for a ride tomorrow afternoon.

Sounds like 2 had a successful wing-ding of her own last night.  Happy tax-tax birthday, Kiddo.

More later.


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