Sunday, July 30, 2006


Well, I missed a day for which I have no excuse. Sorry to those looking for insights on Saturday.

2 and 4 did a fine job getting through the 7 miles of Bix yesterday. Brutal heat and humidity. I think they spent most of the rest of the day in recovery. I had the good fortune of seeing both of them on the course. Actually, they saw me and called out. The mass of humanity made identification hard for interested fans. With 16k of runners in that short of a race, the horde passing at any one moment just overwhelmed the internal data processing system.

The story here this weekend has been the heat. 100+ on the heat index scale, and it's supposed to be higher today and tomorrow. Good times to stay inside. Which I think is what happened to a lot of the Bix attendees who elected to take a pass on the much of the daytime activities in Davenport. I did get out for 25 late yesterday and it wasn't as bad as the night last week that I mowed my yard. But I don't think that a longer ride would have been much fun. My plan is to do 20 or so this morning and beat the higher temps later in the day.

Of course Mom and I are scheduled to be in IC tomorrow to move 3 and 4 from the apartment. That should be fun. While 3 is in Chicago.

My buddy Pete rode RAGBRAI on Friday. Said that he had fun, but he missed the evening parties. Maybe next year.

I'm headed to KC for a couple of days of meetings beginning Thursday. Back Saturday night.

The cherry tomatos are coming in. Have had two small batches so far.

The first week of August was the general time-frame that we did our family vacations when the girls were young. This is a time before school starts, and after most of the organized summer programs like softball. And August was always the slowest month in the accounting business. It had been my experience in the first few years of my business that clients were often not around in early August, or they wanted to defer meetings or decisions until "after the holiday", meaning Labor Day. So it became a natural for us to take the same time off for family stuff.

In an even earlier time, I think that the Wapello County Fair in Eldon, Iowa was also usually held in the first part of August. I think that I have written about the fair on the blog in a previous entry. Anyway, that was certainly the equivalent of my annual vacation as a youth. Sunday evening to Thursday morning in the un-air-conditioned 4-H dorm in Eldon. Not a family event per-se, although Mother and Daddy were there daily, and Rosie too. Vague memories of Martha or Margaret having a board-and-brick bookcase as a fair project. (I think my 4-H club was called the Green Cornhuskers. Green being the township in the county where the club members lived.)

So I may get back to this later today. No promises. But if I come up with any great thoughts while on my bike, I'll pass them along here.

Be careful out there.

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