Monday, July 10, 2006

Monday PM

I see that a new SB's coffee shop is being built just a couple of blocks down the road toward North Park with a Fall 2006 opening date. That represents an interesting alternative for me. After some comments that have come up recently, I've started to wonder if it wasn't time to make a change of venue for morning coffee. The staff at Duck Creek SB's is great, and we certainly have become a bit of a fixture there. But there is a little bit of me that says that showing up at the same place everyday and sitting in the same chair with the same people around your circle may be just too much. It's reached the point that even other customers comment if we aren't in "our" chairs in that 6:30 to 7:30 time slot. Something to think about.

My rides over the weekend were good, but hard. Total of around 61 miles. Windy. I have my 2005 calendar in my basement and I can compare my current mileage to the prior year. It looks like I was hitting it a little harder at this time a year ago. Then again, I was training for Mt. Rose in 2005. No such goal this year.

I often think about how outrageous it would have been to hear my dad say that he was headed out for "a little 35 miler" on a Saturday morning. Heck, that was like to Oskaloosa!! Daddy would have been 57 in 1967, the year I graduated from high school. He was certainly an old guy then. Unlike me now. And he made a lot of "old people" noises. No wonder you guys look at me strangely.

And I remember a lot from 1967. It was a great year. But I digress.

My weakness this summer has been Hy Vee Assorted Twin Pops. I'm generally off potatos and ice cream, but I go through a box of the frozen sugar water about every 4 days. The heat does it. Also lots of agua. When I get in from one of those rides in the heat, I can't stop pouring in the fluids.

Interesting that they shot the third movie of the Pirates of the Caribbean (for a future release) at the same time that they did the second one that is now in theaters. I'm sure that there were economies of scale by having all the people there, and the equipment, etc. With as good as computer people have become, could they reach a point where they really don't need living actors or sets at all and just fake the whole thing? Like the moon landings?

The same thought has often occurred to me about novels. Especially the prototypical Russian spy thriller. Couldn't they just change the names, places, dates, and other substitutable items and re-publish the same story every 5 years or so? Who would know? Except the hacks that have that plagarism analysis program(iThenticate). But what's the harm? It's a trashy novel by any name.

So I'm off for home. Sounds like we all will be busy this week. It's good to have stuff to do. Beats vegging and watching Wheel reruns. Really looking forward to Tahoe. Wish it was all the fam. Next year.

Be careful out there.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

funny you mentioned the moon. i was just talking to some friends last week about how i didn't believe we had ever gone to the moon. turns out we've apparently been there like, six times. so i'm not sure if we could have faked all six, but something is fishy about the whole thing.
additionally, (i taught my kids how to use transitions between paragraphs, and in their latest essay i had several kids who can't write began their pragraph with "additionally". the rest of the paragraph was un-readable, but at least they got something out of the lesson!) so, additionally, did you know that they haven't finished filming the third pirates movie? there were too many hang-ups, such as hurricanes, that they wanted to finsih the third one to be released at christmas time but it's only about half done. the actors are all working overtime right now to get as much done as possible. i caught a peek of an article in entertainment weekly tonight at work. matt and i tried to rent the first pirates this weekend, but it was checked out and sold out everywhere. we're borrowing it from a friend, but i'll be gone this weekend and won't be able to watch it. now that i've procrastinated enough i need to figure out what i'm teaching tomorrow. just wanted to get some action going on your blog, dad:)