Wednesday, October 09, 2013


This just an inter-day random posting that might be better suited for a few connected Tweets, but I needed a more disconnected moment to recover my equanimity.

With the 15th approaching at warp-speed, I didn't need this warning to come across my computer screen:

and there was a good reason for the warning.  For whatever reason, the tax program that I was working in, and had been inputting data for about 90 minutes, had a brain freeze, and shut down without further warning.  When I spooled it back up, this afternoon's new data was no where to be found.  Perfect.

I've been using this tax software package for at least 15-20 years (as updated annually).  And have never had that happen in that fashion.  Goes to show ya, if you think you have seen everything, remember that you haven't.

Normally, there is an automatic "save" feature that is triggered when you hit the "Enter" key.  Not so much this time.  My guess is that I hit two keys at the same time and the program couldn't process the order.

And now I have no idea why Blogger won't let me left justify.

So I'm going back into the tax program and hope that I have better luck on this iteration.


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