Tuesday, October 29, 2013


I'm giving Kinnick Stadium a little face time on the blog this week in anticipation of 4's visit this coming weekend.  Let's hope the Hawks can show up against the Badgers on Saturday.

I did open a new account last night with another blog platform called WordPress.  I didn't do much other than set up my raw data, but I will spend some time this week exploring the flexibility of that software.  Among other things, I need to decide if I want to pay for some features.  With as much time as I devote to the blog, I don't mind paying for a good operating system.  I just don't want to pay for another half-baked Blogger.  And that auto-input to Twitter will not be part of any permanent arrangement.  Stay tuned.

Alas, the Cardinals can't hit.  Their season now rests on the arm of their young pitching stud, Michael Wacha.  Go get 'em, Kid!

GAP came through with another Customer Service gold star for me.  I've got my billing from them set up on my Wells Fargo account.  My latest ebill came through over the weekend with a $25 late fee and interest from that purchase of slacks that I made before Italy.  Somehow, I missed the September billing.  Now, I would have received that e-bill while I was in Italy, but the notification goes to my Yahoo account, and I couldn't find it in the In box or the Trash.

So I dialed up GAP, eventually got to a live body, gave my story, and the fee was waived.  The CS rep couldn't determine if a September notification had been sent either.  I was prepared to suck in the fee as another cost of the Italy trip as it could have been that I deleted the e-bill notice when going through my mail.  I often delete GAP, Kohl's and other solicitations without reading them.  The e-bill could have been deleted in that manner.  Now I know to read those things that come around the 25th.

But it also illustrates the saturation point of my brain when there are too many things racing trough the frontal lobe.  And I've determined it to be an issue beyond Sometimer's.  I don't know whether it is age, level of activity, stress or some other factor, but I have recently recognized that I just can't keep all of the balls in the air, all of the time.  Maybe it has always been that way, and I just didn't admit to it.  But I sure see it now.

I'm still not convinced that Apple OS upgrade was an upgrade.

Here's a little variation of the old Jeff Foxworthy, "You might be a Redneck" comedy routine...

There's been lots written in the last couple of weeks about the Tea Party wing of the GOP.  Mostly in the negative as a result of their stand in the House that brought DC close to a shut-down.  Unfortunately, people who believe in hard work, honoring the flag and country, paying their taxes, going to church and other out-moded traditions, are now the extremists.  As a senior, white, male, Christian, heterosexual, government-get-out-of-my-way, pro-life (how can a Christian not be pro-life, Nancy?), non-union person, I guess I might be a Tea Partier.  If I belonged to the NRA, it would be, "Case-closed!"

If they also drank some good Cabernet at their parties, I'd sign up.

OK.  Back to work.  Have a good Tuesday.


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