Friday, October 18, 2013


Finally Friday.  I really felt like it was Friday on this is actually my FOURTH Friday of the week!

The BEATER went to the repair shop again this week.  Front brakes.  The noise had gotten so bad, I was  embarrassed when I pulled up to a stop sign because I sounded like a BEATER...and I was a little worried that things were getting so bad that at one of those signs, I wouldn't even be able to stop the car.  Not the cheapest fix, but quick, and I'm back on the road.  Until the next problem.

If you looked here earlier and saw an unfinished post, it was the result of Blogger-itis.  Another case of Blogger limiting my editing...and then publishing with an "Enter" keystoke meant to start a new paragraph.  Sorry.

I may be in the market for a new home for the blog.  I'm more and more frustrated at the amount of
inconveniences that the system currently presents with each entry.

Here's a little levity for the women in the audience.  Dagwood still gives me a chuckle.  And every time I read one of these comic strips, I think of Daddy.  He laughed and laughed at Dagwood's troubles.  I'm betting that he would never have known who Brad Pitt was/is, even if he were alive today.  (Daddy, not Brad Pitt...who is alive, right?)

This cartoon was passed around by one of my more cynical friend/clients with whom I share some common beliefs.

My TT training finally got started this 0430...with an early run.  Not sure if that will be the regular time slot for it, but I like having things done before I go to work.  There are fewer people to harass me on Devils Glen at that hour.  Next up is the re-start of the Maplecrest Health Club.

All for today.  I'm looking forward to a "normal" weekend.  Being out during daylight is a new experience.  Go Cards!  Go Irish, Hawks and 'Clones!


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