Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Really not a lot to add to the world's information data-base today.  Looks like another near-perfect day weather-wise here.  Golf in Muskie late this afternoon is a possibility.

I've named our small group personal training program Fitness Club (FC for future reference).  Our second meeting last night confirmed that I have no core strength.  That means that I have a lot of upside potential.  Instructor Jessi is headed out of town for the weekend and our next class is not until next Tuesday.  But I intend to spend a little time each evening doing some of the exercises that I actually can do so that I'll be better prepared for next week.  It's a humbling experience.

My choice to do an after-work ride on the bike path before the Monday night FC reminded me of a previous decision to not ride the bike path on weekday evenings.  The combination of kids, dogs and other amateurs is just too much for a meaningful workout.  I had to come out of my clips three times within a period of about ten minutes on the latter part of the ride.  People just not paying any attention...and not too worried about inconveniencing others on the path.  You really need to lower your expectations for those kind of rides.

For an aging person who has had trouble with remembering names for many years, the Dunn Bros coffee shop has thrown more challenges into my morning coffee.  They've had one set of two girls ever since they opened who look very similar, and who will occasionally work together.  I have almost no shot of getting their names (which I kind of remember) properly aligned.  This week, two girls now home for the Summer have been on the morning shift, and they might as well be identical twins.  Who is who may never get straightened out.  And they like the confusion that they cause as I try to make the call!

Does anyone actually care that the NBA Finals are being played these days?

Now the College World Series (CWS) is a matter of interest and the games start on Friday in Omaha.  In addition to the usual suspects, outsiders Kent State and Stony Brook (Stony Brook?) have made it to The Big Show (for college baseball).  The fact that Stony Brook won their way to Omaha by way of knocking off Miami and LSU on their home fields suggests that they belong.  I'd like to see them win a couple of games.

Who plays the part of Erin Andrews these days?

Make it a good day.


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