Sunday, May 15, 2011


Wow!  What happened to last week? 

I can plead a small defense from a system-wide Blogger problem on Tuesday and Wednesday when they had a problem and all blogs were "read only" for a couple of days.  Not sure what that was all about.  Then I ended up with friends on a couple other evenings, and pretty soon, the week was gone.  I missed writing.  I'll do better this week.

I'm not exactly sure where this pic was taken today, but it was posted by a cycling fan in Tahoe in a Comments section of the live feed on Cycling News covering the Giro in Italy.  Needless to say, the weather for the opening stage of the Tour of California hasn't cooperated.  I spoke with Uncle Phil earlier and he said that Friday had been beautiful, but the snow and low temps perhaps made the race today a "miss-able" event.  Too bad for the organizers.

The construction project on my street is now at the point where I lose my driveway entrance tomorrow.  It looks like I"ll be so detoured for two weeks.  I think that I'll keep a car at the office rather than park both on the street somewhere in the neighborhood.

My plan had been to post a pic here of the Truman Sports Complex in KC to formally announce the July 6 -8 FFF weekend, but Blogger doesn't seem to want to upload photos right now.  Maybe later.  (Here it is!) Anyway, I'm suspecting that most of us will arrive at different times on Friday, and then head back Sunday.  1.1 is working on designating the hosting hotel.  The Royals are in town, so there will be some MLB involved.

The weather here hasn't been that great.  Rainy, windy and cool this weekend.  My ride yesterday was okay going out, but a steady rain coming home.  I've been waiting around this afternoon hoping for better conditions, and it looks like there may be some sunshine breaking through.  Spain is approaching and I need to suck it up and get some miles on the books.  (I also did the math and it comes out that I have only 120 days before I have to start training for the Turkey Trot.  Yuck!)

My letter to the editor did make the paper.  The original column is not available to non-subscribers for some reason.  Maybe the editors figured out that it didn't belong.

I am not an Ohio State hater, but their football coach has to go.  He has pretty much admitted to lying to the NCAA, was less-than-forthcoming to the school, and has been in the bunker for the last few weeks formulating a defense.  His biggest defense seems to be his number of appearances in BCS games.  The Tennessee basketball guy needs to go for the same reasons.  The college presidents need to put on their big boy pants and show some leadership.  You never get in trouble for doing the right thing.

And speaking of money talking, the college presidents are letting the Fiesta Bowl stay in the BCS pool?  Exactly what conduct is worthy of expulsion?

I'll be getting back on here later.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Picture could have been from our deck..Tahoe Phil